The most beautiful villages of France : Collonges la Rouge

Former priory, like Martel, Collonges la Rouge is part of the old viscounts of Turenne. This status of 844 will allow it to prosper in agriculture, crafts and trade. The result is a monumental architectural wealth.
The name comes from red sandstone rock which is the main material of all the buildings that make up this beautiful village: the noble houses of the 15th and 16th centuries, the granary and St. Peter’s Church ….

Unmissable step on the way to Saint Jacques de Compostela, the battlements of Collonges quickly became too small to house all the notables who find refuge in this beautiful city. High-profile, Collonges La Rouge does not suffer too much discomfort during the war of religion. Catholic and Protestant alternate practice of their faith in the Church of St. Peter.
Consequently, and until sale to Collonges la Rouge to the Crown in 1738 by the Viscount, the city continues to grow and continues to ramp up. This event is synonymous with the end of the specific rights and privileges granted to the city. Thus the revolution will overcome Collonges la Rouge, who suffer multiple destruction, and which, following the events, to depopulate. The association “Les Amis de Collonge” will give a boost to the city.



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